Platform security
- All the communications between server and %whitelabelText2% apps, uses HTTP protocol (versions 1, 2, 3) over secure connections with cryptographic protocol TLS 1.2 and 1.3. Certificate is Pinned in order to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks
- MDM communications between server and devices are code-signed to prevent command tampering
- critical and sensitive MDM communications between server and devices are end2end encrypted
- %whitelabelText3% Agent for Android is compiled with advanced security technics that prevents code inspection, defends reverse engineering and takes the security more robust
- View Screen feature can be forced on cryptographic protocol TLS to increase security
- 2 factor authentication (via mail or Authenticator app) is enforced for admins
- admin's single auth session is limited to a maximun of 8 hours
- authentication on %whitelabelText2% is based on a token and time expiration
- in cases of failed authentication attempts, user is asked to insert captcha verification code
- server manage a ban list in case of attack or bruteforce attempts
- server WAF uses ML-based mechanism to detect attacks and mitigates OWASP Top risks
- when a password is changed, user will be notified on its email
- data are separeted ad saved in a specific dedicated client's container
- devices' or profiles' encryption is managed by the OS. See references for more info.
- Android device integrity check can be enabled at enroll too.
- data is mantained in Europe on Tier 4 datacenters with allmost the compliance standards like UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017 and AGID
- XNOOVA S.R.L. has successfully completed a Cloud Application Security Assessment (Lab Tested - Lab Verified), validating Ermetix has satisfied CASA application security requirements. CASA is based on the industry-recognized Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Application Security
Verification Standard (ASVS). More info on .
Android References Security Paper_V6 CM.pdf
Apple References